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Individual learning towards an independent life

Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is at the core of everything we do. In light of this commitment to the children in our care we would like to ask that if you have any concerns about a child at our school, or if any child speaks to you and you have any concerns about what has been said that you report this to:

Mrs Meike Stepp – Inclusion Manager, Designated Safeguarding Lead (Safeguarding and Child Protection) meikestepp@thewherryschool.co.uk
Miss Rachel Quick – CEO / Principal, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Safeguarding and Child Protection) principal@thewherryschool.co.uk

Mr Colin Wheelhouse – Head of School Operations, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Safeguarding and Child Protection)


Mrs Dani Wiliams – Director of Transformation, SENCO, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Safeguarding and Child Protection) daniwilliams@thewherryschool.co.uk
In the case that you are unable to talk to either of the above, please speak to any of the class teachers, Office Staff or support staff who will record and pass on any concerns.

At The Wherry School we work closely with a range of external organisations to safeguard all in our community. The school has a trained Domestic Abuse champion Aydan Birkett, who is able to provide advise to colleagues and ensure that they are aware of and have access to local resources and support if required.