Maths / Calculation
Outstanding Mathematics teaching is rooted in the development of all pupils’ conceptual understanding of important concepts and progression. It enables pupils to make connections between topics and see the ‘big picture’. Teaching nurtures mathematical independence and allows time for thinking and encourages discussion. Problem solving discussion and investigation are seen as integral to learning mathematics. (Oftsed 2012)
At the Wherry School, in preparation for writing our calculation policy, we agreed a set of values that should underpin all the mathematics that goes on in our school. These values should be clearly evidenced in any scrutiny of the subject within the school. They are:
- Everyone can do mathematics;
- Believe in yourself! It changes what you can do!
- Make connections to strengthen your brain and develop number sense. This will enable fluency.
- Using resources, drawing diagrams and visualising are a key part of the learning process.
- Mistakes and challenge are a valuable part of the learning process;
- Reasoning and problem solving skills must be developed over time, as a result of frequent and meaningful activities;
- Maths is fun!