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Individual learning towards an independent life

Welcome to The Wherry School

The vision for The Wherry School is to provide the highest quality education, support and care for children and young people with autism (social communication and imagination, communication and interaction disorders) and their families. The Wherry School staff are committed to providing the best learning environment for these children and young people (from 4-19) working within four main principles, creating a Centre of Expertise, which will extend opportunities for learners at The Wherry School and enable the inclusion and re-integration of them, where appropriate, into mainstream settings.

An Introduction to The Wherry School and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

The principles on which the school is built are:

  • The ‘individualisation’ of any delivery of the curriculum to the learners and the expectation to build on strengths but always looking to progress
  • A ‘Holistic Pathway’ that recognises that every learner will take a unique journey through their education and personal development.
  • That ‘identification and assessment’ is crucial to plan and meet the needs of learners.
  • That ‘family support’ will be in place to support the learner in all environments

Miss Rachel Quick, CEO

The Wherry Schools' ambition is to provide only the best
quality education and care for children and young
people with autism, and their families.